Dopo quasi 20 giorni di assenza, causa influenza e impegni vari eccomi qui con un nuovo post.
Chi è questa bellissima ragazza? Melissa Satta, meglio conosciuta come ex velina, ex fidanzata di Bobo Vieri , nonchè nuova fiamma di Kevin Prince Boateng.
Dopo questo breve excursus biografico passiamo al suo look.
Lei è decisamente, a mio parere, una delle it girl del momento.
Non solo è veramente bella, ma si distingue per il suo look semplice, acqua e sapone ma di tendenza.
Eccone le prove.
After almost 20 days of absence, I had the flu and I was quite busy in the last two weeks, here I am with a new post. Who is this beautiful girl? Her name is Melissa Satta, she is a soubrette, Bobo Vieri's ex girlfriend , as well as the latest flame of Kevin Prince Boateng ( an Italian football player).
After this short biographic excursus let's move on her look.
She is absolutely, in my opinion, an it-girl.
Apart from being a wonderful girl, she stands out for her simple look, fresh and natural but also fashionable. Here there are the proofs. you agree with me, or you don't? Let me know your opinions!
Have a nice week beauties!